Technical Specs

5.2 Contacts
The mobile phone can store up to 500 telephone numbers. The telephone numbers that a SIM card can
store depends on the storage capacity of the SIM card. The telephone numbers stored in the mobile phone
and in the SIM cards form a phonebook. The phonebook search function enables you to view contacts. You
can search a contact as required from the phonebook. Select this option, in the edit interface, input the name
of the contact you want to search or the first letter(s) of the name. All the contacts meeting the search
condition are listed. Press the Up and Down direction keys to browse the contacts and select contact.
5.3 Messaging
If the short message memory is full, a blinking message icon appears on the top of the screen. To
normally receive short messages, you need to delete some of the existing short messages.
If the destination user has received the short message you sent and the short message delivery report
function is activated, the phone will give off a message report alert tone.
Write message
Access this menu to create a text message.
Received Messages are listed in this menu.
The messages which are sent failed are stored in the Outbox.