Technical Specs

Contact the network operator to obtain the following network services:
Network account: You can manage network account through this function.
GPRS Service: You can select to turn on/off this function.
Data connection settings: The default setting is connecting when needed.
Network selection: Set Network selection mode to Automatic or Manual. Automatic is
recommended. When Network selection mode is set to Automatic, the mobile phone will prefer the
network where the SIM card is registered. When Network selection mode is set to Manual, you need to
select the network operator's network where the SIM card is registered.
SOS number list: Add 5contact numbers for seeking help in case of an emergency.
SOS message settings: Edit your personal text for emergency messages.
SOS settings:Config the switch of SOS snd its sub-function like message sending,led alert,etc.
5.5 lnternet
You can use the function to view web pages and search for information on the web before you connecting
to the internet. When you open Internet, your home page opens. The web address (URL) of the current page
is displayed at the top of the window.