User manual

Table Of Contents
l Light grafti: Captures trails created by a moving light source in low-light conditions.
l Silky water: Captures silky-smooth photos of waterfalls and owing water.
l Star trails: Captures stunning photos of star trails in the night sky.
Use Tail Light Trails to Capture the Lights of the City
Tail light trails lets you create artistic photos of car tail lights at night.
l Shoot from a distance and slightly above your subject for best results. Ensure that car
headlights do not point directly at the camera, as this can overexpose the image.
l Place your device on a tripod or solid surface so that it does not move during the exposure.
Open Camera > More > Light painting > Trafc trails. Hold your Phone steady, and then
to start shooting. A preview of the image is displayed in the viewnder. Touch when
you are nished.