
Dirt duct and dirt tube
To maintain the strong suction
and cleaning effectiveness of your
cleaner, remove any large items
from the carpet surface before
vacuuming. However, if your
cleaner picks up a larger object
than can be exhausted in the bag,
it can be caught in the dirt duct or
dirt tube. These are easily cleaned
out by the following methods.
Disconnect cleaner from electri-
cal outlet.
For access to the dirt duct, turn
cleaner over to expose underside.
Remove bottom plate. Lift dirt
duct as shown and pull out any
obstructions with your fingers.
Reposition dirt duct by lowering to
operating position and then re-
place bottom plate.
For access to the dirt tube, first
remove disposable bag. Then re-
move dirt tube by pushing to
either side to release clips. Lift
dirt tube up and out.