
Dirt cup
The dirt cup assembly consists of the
following parts:
Dirt cup (A)
Filter chamber (B)
Pleated filter (C)
Lid (D)
Dirt cup carry handle/latch (E)
Filter chamber release latch (F)
While the cleaner is in operation, the
screen at the bottom of the filter chamber
will stop larger debris from entering the
pleated filter chamber. This larger debris
will be seen collecting in the the dirt cup.
The pleated filter will collect fine particles
that have passed through the screen.
When to empty
It is recommended that the dirt cup be
emptied before the dirt reaches the dirt
opening on back of dirt cup (Fig. 4-2) or
after every use if preferred.
CAUTION: Very fine materials, such
as face powder or cornstarch, may
seal the filter and cause loss of suc-
tion. When using the cleaner for this
type of dust, empty the cup and clean
the filters often.
How to empty
Disconnect cleaner from electrical
outlet. Do not use the cleaner without
dirt cup or filters in place.
Pull dirt cup handle (E) down. Remove
dirt cup.
Remove filter chamber (B) from dirt cup.
Holding the carry handle (E), empty dirt
cup into wastebasket.
Filter assembly
How to clean filter
Press latch (F) on front of filter chamber
and remove lid. The pleated filter is
attached to the lid.
The screen (G) on the bottom of the
chamber can be cleaned with a soft
Empty filter chamber.
Holding lid, tap bottom of filter against
edge of wastebasket until dust particles
stop falling from filter.
Do not tap the soft, pleated part of the
filter. It could damage the filter.
Do not rinse or wash the filter.
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