User's Manual

3. Registration List
3-1 Displays Registration List
- Ability to show currently registered Coaster and/or
Staff Pager.
4. USB Keyboard Functions
4-1 USB Keyboard Input Functions
- All the key functions can be used by adding an
external USB Keyboard in to the Transmitter.
- Staff name and/or message input must be done via
USB Keyboard.
- Must click space key in the Transmitter from the
main screen to start USB keyboard.
- Number button can be used from the Menu List
screen. Also PgUp & PgDn button can be used. Long
Key can be used from the Transmitter keypad.
Key Mapping
F5 : STAFF Enter : ENTER
F9 : INPUT Backspace : DEL
F12 : MENU ↑,↓ : SPACE, DEL
※ Note :Transmitter A/C adaptor must be connected to
use USB Keyboard.
2. Call & Message Call List
2-1 Displays Call List (Coaster & Staff Pager)
- Shows call time and registered Coaster number
which was paged.
※ Shows up to 150 called list.
It will automatically delete oldest call list once the list
reaches 150 to show latest call list.
※ Call list will initialize once the Transmitters power is off
or reset.
2-2 Display Message Call List (Staff Pager)
- Shows call time and registered pager number which
was paged to the Staff Pager.
※ Shows up to 150 Message Called List.
It will automatically delete oldest message once the list
reaches 150 to show latest messages.
※ Message Call list will initialize once the Transmitters
power is off or reset.