User's Manual

1. Components 2. Instructions
※ Actual product might be different from the picture
Transmitter Transmitter Antenna
A/C Adaptor
Coaster Coaster Base Coaster
A/C Adaptor
Users Manual Staff Pager (optional)
- Connect Antenna in to Transmitter.
- Connect Transmitter A/C Adaptor in to Transmitter
- Connect Transmitter A/C Adaptor in to power outlet.
- Connect Coaster A/C Adaptor in to Coaster Base.
- Connect Coaster A/C Adaptor in to power outlet.
- Stack Coasters on top of Coaster Base.
- Add AAA battery in to Staff Pager.
- Coaster and Staff Pager will work once registered to
the Transmitter.
- Coaster cannot be programmed or paged unless
pager is removed from the Coaster Base.
- All the key functions can be used by adding an
external USB keyboard on to the Transmitter.
- Staff name and/or message input must be via USB
- Transmitter A/C Adaptor must be connected in
order to use USB keyboard and must click space
button on the transmitter to start.
- SPACE & DEL key can be use as an up/down key from
the Menu List.
- Number key or Long key can be used from the Menu
List for quick move.
- Capable of handling up to 999 Coasters & Staff Pagers.
※Note : To save data, information can not be saved
in “Low Battery” condition. We highly recommend
that the A/C Adaptor is connected while the
Transmitter is in use.
2.1 Installation
2.2 Operations