Service Manual

C. Control Module Check
Control Module Display. Before replacing Control Module that does not show a visible defect
and that you suspect is bad, conduct the following check procedure. This procedure will help
you verify your diagnosis. Always choose a neutral (W) to establish a good neutral connection
when checking high voltages. Also, conrm there is a good power supply and neutral
connection to Control Module: 115VAC.
Alarm signals are designed to protect the appliance and items inside. These alarms give
information or warnings in the event the appliance is operating out of acceptable parameters.
Should one of the alarms occur, follow the instructions below to address the alarm. The alarm
icon appears on the display and the alarm code alternates with the cabinet temperature.
For high temperature, low temperature, and door alarms, the appliance beeps in addition to
displaying the alarm icon and alarm code.
Mess. Cause Outputs
P1 Room probe failure Compressor output according to CY e Cn
P2 Evaporator probe failure Defrost end is timed
P3 Third probe failure Outputs unchanged
HA Maximum temperature alarm Outputs unchanged
LA Minimum temperature alarm Outputs unchanged
H2 Maximum temperature alarm for condenser Outputs unchanged
L2 Minimum temperature alarm for condenser Outputs unchanged
EA External alarm Outputs unchanged
CA Serious external alarm All outputs OFF
PA Pressure switch alarm All outputs OFF
dA Door Open Depends on par. rd