
Components Energized when the Control Switch is in the SERVICE Position
When in the "SERVICE" position, the control switch supplies power to the service switch and the machine is
in service mode. The service switch has three positions: "DRAIN," "CIRC." and "WASH." See the information
below for details of each function.
Power is supplied to the pump and drain valve. This drains the water tank.
Power is supplied to the pump only. This operation can be used to circulate cleaner and
sanitizer for extended periods of time over the outside surface of the evaporator.
Power is supplied to the pump and wash valve. This operation is used to circulate cleaner
and sanitizer over both the inside and outside surfaces of the evaporator.
4. Pump-Out Cycle
Comp - compressor
DWV - drain water valve
FMR - remote fan motor
FWV - ll water valve
HGV - hot gas valve
HWV - harvest water valve
LF/S - lower oat switch contacts
LLV - liquid line valve
PM - pump motor
UF/S - upper oat switch contacts
KMS-1400MLH Sequence Flow Chart and Component Operation
1. One Minute
Fill Cycle
2. Harvest Cycle
3. Freeze Cycle
Pump motor stops
for  sec. and then
runs for 10 sec.
Cycle Steps
FWV energized
LF/S open
LF/S closed
Comp energized
FMR energized
HGV energized
HWV energized
FWV de-energized
DWV de-energized
Thermistor temp
reaches 48°F (9°C)
(3.9 kΩ or less)
Harvest timer starts
LF/S open
Comp continues
FMR continues
PM continues
LLV energizes
FWV energized/
for rell only
HGV de-energized
LF/S closed
Freeze cycle
operation turned
over to LF/S
PM de-energizes  sec. ,
energizes for 10 sec.
Comp continues
FMR continues
DWV energized
HGV energized
LLV de-energized
LF/S check
LF/S check
• Maximum harvest water valve time: 6 minutes
(HWV time is 6 minutes or the length of
harvest minus 50 sec., whichever is shorter.
PM energizes and runs for the last 50 sec. of
• Maximum harvest time: 0 minutes
Thermistor in
1 to 3 minute timer
in control
• Minimum freeze time: 5 minutes
• Maximum freeze time: freeze timer setting
• Lower oat switch used to initiate water
tank rell (1 rell for KMS-1400MLH)
• Upper oat switch used to terminate
water tank rell (1 minute maximum ll time)
5 minute timer
in control
Lower oat
switch in
Initial startup always
begins here
"G" board will have
5 second delay
If LF/S is open, compressor stops and cycle returns to 1 minute ll
Factory set for every
10th cycle
50 sec.
PM energized
HWV de-energized