Table Of Contents
Safety Data Sheet
Hot Shot® No-Pest Strip
Page 3 of 10
September 23, 2019
Suitable Extinguishing Media:
Unsuitable Extinguishing Media:
Special Protective Equipment
and Precautions for Firefighters:
Self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing
must be worn in case of fire.
Fire fighting equipment/
Evacuate area. Use water spray to cool unopened containers.
Water runoff can cause environmental damage. Dike and collect
extinguishing water.
Indication of
Immediate Medical
Attention & Special
Treatment Needed:
Specific Hazards Arising from
the Chemical:
During fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed. Hydrogen
chloride, carbon oxides and unidentified organic compounds may
be formed when it is heated excessively or burned.
None known.
muscle twitching and confusion; in extreme cases, unconsciousness, convulsions, severe
respiratory depression and death may occur. Product may cause slight but temporary
exposure to this OP insecticide is highly unlikely. Based upon the formulation of the pest
strip the individual's contact with the OP is extremely limited by design. Therefore the
examining physician should exercise prudent judgment in determining the causation of
the patient's symptoms - taking care to not overlook multiple other etiologies of the
patient's symptoms. Contact a local or national poison control center for more
information. If it is established that OP poisoning has occurred, the following steps are
recommended. Establish airway and oxygenation. IV Atropine sulfate is the antidote of
choice against parasympathetic nervous stimulation. If there are signs of parasympathetic
stimulation, Atropine Sulfate should be injected at 10 minutes intervals in doses of 1 to 2
milligrams until complete atropinization has occurred. Pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM
chloride) may also be used as an effective antidote in addition to and while maintaining
full atropinization. In adults, an initial dose of 1 gram of 2-PAM should be injected,
preferably as an infusion, in 250 cc of saline over a 15 to 20 minute period. If this is not
practical, 2-PAM may be administered slowly by intravenous injection as a 5% solution in
water over not less than 2 minutes. After about an hour, a second dose of 1 gram of 2-
PAM will be indicated if muscle weakness has not been relieved. For infants and children,
the dose of 2-PAM is 0.25 grams. Avoid morphine, aminophylline, phenothiazine,
reserpine, furosemide and ethacrynic acid. Clear chest by postural drainage. Oxygen
administration may be necessary. Observe patient continuously for 48 hours. Repeated
exposure to cholinesterase inhibitors may without warning cause prolonged susceptibility
very small doses of any cholinesterase inhibitor. Allow no further exposure until time for
cholinesterase regeneration has been attained as determined by a blood test. Bathe and
shampoo contaminated skin and hair. If ingested, empty stomach; activated charcoal is
useful to further to further limit absorption. If victim is alert, Syrup of Ipecac (2
tablespoons in adults, 1 tablespoon in small children) is indicated. If symptoms such as
loss of gag reflex, convulsions, or unconsciousness occur before emesis, gastric lavage
Water spray. Water fog. Foam. Dry chemical powder. Carbon
dioxide (CO2).