
ProperUseof Detergent
Use only detergent spedftcally made ft)r use in dishwashers. Cascade<_
Automatic Dishwashing Detergent has been approved ft)r use in all GE
dishwashers. Keep your detergent fiesh and dU. Don't pul powder
detergent into the dispense) until you're ready I,)wash dishes.
The amount of demrgent lo use depends on whether your wamr is
hardor soft. Wid_ hard wamr, you need extra detergent. With soft
water, you need less dem)gent.
Protect your dishes and dishwasher by contacting your water
depmlment and asking how hard your water is. Twebe or more grains
is exlremely hard wamr. A wamr softener is recommended. Wiflaout it,
lime can build up in the water valve, which could slick while open and
cause flooding. Too nmch demrgent xdda soft water can cause a
pemmnent cloudiness ofglasswme, called etching.
You'll find m_) detergent dispensers on the
inside door of your dishwasher. All wash cycles
require dete)gent in the nmin cup. Wash cycles
with twowashes xdll also use the open cup. When
using antomadc dishwashing detergent tabs,
simply place one lab in the main cup and close.
Be sure the Dial is OFFbetore adding
detergent. Otherxdse, flae detergent cup will not
close and latch properly. Add detergent then close dae main cup.
/VOTE."To open detergent cup after it has / {
been closed, simply turn the detergent cup
handle counter-clockxdse until it releases.
A snapping sound may be heard.
ForgettoAdd a Dish?
A torgotten dish can be added any lime betore the nmin wash.
_ lhlsh rim door latd_ u) the left.
Once the water cahns, ()pen the door. Steam nmy)Jse out of the
{ dishwasher.
Add torgollen dishes.
_ Close the door and push the latch to the thr right.
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