
Lower Rack
Whenloadingthelowerrack,donot loadlargeplattersor
The lower rack is best used tbr plains, smlcers, and
cookware. Large items such as broiler pans and
racks should go along the sides. D_ad platters,
pols and bowls along lhe sides, in comers, or in
the back. The soiled side of items should face the
center of the rack.
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Silverware Basket
Put flatware in the removable basket xdth tbrk and
knife handles up lo promct your hands. Place
spoons in lhe basket x_lh handles doxm. Mix
knives, forks and spoons st) they don'l nest
u)gether. Distribum evenly. Small plastic items,
such as measuring spoons and lids flom small
containers, should go in lhe bollom of the
silverware basket xdlh silverware on u)p.
A secufily cell cover (on some
models) can be lowered
It) either side to secure
liglmveighl items flom the
eflecls of the vigorous
wash action.