
Use your dishwasher only for its intended purpose as
described in this Owner's Manual
This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in
accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is
used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions
sheet with your dishwasher, you can receive one by calling
us toll-free at the GEAnswer Cente_ 800.626.2000.
Connecl lo a grounded
melal, permanent _dfing
sysleln; or nln an equipmenl_
gTounding conductor _dlh
lhe circuil conduclors and
connect lo lhe equipmenl:
gTounding lenninal or lead
oflhe appliance.
hnproper connecuon of the
conduclor can result in a risk
ofeleclfic shock. Check xdlh
a qualified elecuician or
sel_ice represenladve if)xm
are in doubl wheflmr lhe
appliance is properly
Dispose of discarded
appliances and shipping or
packing malefial properly.
Do not attempt to repair or
replace any part of)xmr
dishwasher unless it is
specifically recommended in
this manual. All other
sel_icing should be retened
u) a qualified lechnician.
To minimize lhe possibilily of
eleclfic shock, disconnect this
appliance flom the power
supply before anempling any
mainlenance. NOTE"Turning
the dishwasher offdoes not
disconnecl tim appliance
flom the po_r supply. We
recommend having a
qualified lechnician sel_ice
your appliance.