
Tile entering water must be at least 120°lL and not more tharl
150°F., fi)r efiective cleaning and to prevent dish damage. Check
tile water temperature _ith a candy or meat thermometer. Tllrn oil
tile hot water t_-ulcetnearest tile dishwasher, place tile thermol-neter
in a g a:s and let tile water mn contimlousl} into tile glass !mtil tile
temperature stops rising. A(!just your water heater, if needed.
Usinga RinseAgent
A rinse agent, such as JET-DRY,makes water flow olt the dishes
quickly thereby reducing water spotting.
Fill tile rinse agent dispenser
until it reaches tile bottom otlip
inside the opening. Replace cap
To check il rinse agent is needed
remove tile cap and look into tile
dispenser. ( )n some models, tile
dispenser can be checked by
pressing the clear center of the
fill cap 2 or3 times. IIrinse agem
fills tile center olthe fill cap, you
have enough.
A full dispensershould last about3 months,
It rinseagent spills,wipe itup immediately.It cankeepyour detergent
from working.