
Hot, oint Dishwasher Warrant
A# warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers,
or an authorized Customer Care'_technician. For service,
ca# 800-GE-CARES.
One Year
From the date of the
original purchase
Fromthe dateof the
We Will Rep/ace, At No Charge To You:
Anypart ol the dishwasher which Jails due to a detect in
materials or workmanship, l)u_ing this full one-year
warranty,_ e _ill also provide, free ofcharge,all labor,
and in-home selMce to replace the deDctive part.
The tub or door liner, iiit fidls to contain water due to a
detect in materials or workmanship such as cracking,
chipping, peeling or rusting. During this ful! ten-year
warranty,_ e _ill also provide, free ofcharge,all labor,
and in-home selMce to replace the deDctive part.
Service trips to your home m teach you
how to use the product.
_ Improper installation.
Replacement of house fuses or
resetting of circuit breakers.
, Failure of the product if it is
abused, misused, o1"used for other
than the intended purpose or used
Damage to the product caused by
accident, fire, floods or acts of God.
Incidental or consequential damage m
personal property caused by possible
defects with this appliance.
, Cleani_.m.gor servicing of the air gap
device in the ch-ainline.
ThisWarTantyis extendedto rite original pumhaserand anysucceeding owner tor products pumhased
for home use within the USA. InAlaska, the warrantyexcludes rite costof shipping or service calls to
your home.
Some statesdo not allow the exclusionor limitation of incidental of consequential damages.This
warTantygivesyou specific legal Hghts,andyou may alsohave other rights which varyfrom state to
state. Toknow what your legal r_qhtsore.,consultyour local of state consumer affairs offire or your
state_Attorney (_eneml.