Installation Guide

House of Forgings
How to Install a Wood Newel Post
This guide will show you how to install a wood newel mounting kit using the sure-tite fastener. This
guide gives general instructions so please use your own discretion as far as measurements, angles
and tool choice.
Tools Required
Drill & Drill Bits (3/8″ , 5/8″ , 1-1/2″)
Box End Wrench
Construction Adhesive
Step 1 Cut your newel post to length. Locate the center of where your newel post will be installed
on the floor, and pre-drill all holes (Figure A). Important: When drilling post, drill 1-1/2″ hole first. Lag
must be installed into solid bracing. Basically you will be installed an access hole on the side of the
newel with the 1-1/2″ drill bit and then drilling a 5/8″ hole up from the bottom. This allows you to set
the newel post down over the lag and tighten it down with the washer and nut.
Step 2Screw the lag bolt into the floor. Two nuts can be used to create a temporary head bolt.

Summary of content (3 pages)