User's Manual

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Congratulations on your purchase of the Houston Radar LLC’s directional Doppler speed
radar DR-1500. This state of the art K-band microwave Doppler speed radar is
specifically designed for the license free, battery operated speed radar market, for use in
speed awareness trailers, school zones and other speed restricted traffic zone speed
awareness uses.
Utilizing the latest in high performance, ultra low power DSP (Digital Signal Processing)
technology, you will find that this high quality product meets your exacting standards for
performance and reliability.
Some of the highlights of this product include:
9 FCC approved for your convenience and piece of mind
9 Advanced DSP based performance yields consistent performance and speed detection
9 Standard serial port hookup and data format allows hassle free use in existing systems
o Use in place of existing products
o Interface to your message displays
o Use in your speed trailers
o Use in school zones
9 31mA power usage is up to 10X lower vs. competing solutions and allows use of
smaller batteries and solar panels- saving you cost
9 Ultra slim profile allows mounting in virtually any location
9 Built in clock/calendar keeps time even with DC power removed
9 Only 1 mA power consumption in standby mode
9 Optional infrared remote control allows you to change/set radar parameters including:
o Min/Max speed limit of detection
o Speed limit setting for flashing display digits
o Sensitivity setting for changing detection range
o Internal clock/calendar
o Serial port settings
o Radar built in self test
Now Featuring Optional integrated advanced statistics package with:
o Multi-vehicle/multi-lane tracking allows better accuracy over competing
o 2 months of speed as well as count statistics saved in internal memory
o Real time clock keeps stats with date/time
o Unmatched Windows based “Stats Analyzer” software to download,
manage, analyze and plot your stats information from all your DR-1500
radars available as option