user manual

Appendix C Installing and Using TFTP
Power on (if the server is off)
Power cycle
Once you have selected an action that would bring the HP NetServer back
online, you can further select Remote Boot features.
3. Select Remote Boot. This enables HP TopTools Remote Control to retrieve
a floppy disk image from the designated remote computer.
4. Enter the IP Address of the TFTP server and the filename of the boot
image. The filename you specify should be a relative path from the root
5. Press "Start Power/Reset Option" to initiate the remote boot.
As an example, if the TFTP server used \tftp\public as its root and the file of
interest is named:
you would enter the file name as:
Examples of Remote Boot Using a Floppy Boot Image
Using the HP utility copydisk.exe, you can remotely administrate numerous
alternate boot routines and automate a range of diagnostic procedures for your
HP NetServers.
The following examples demonstrate how an administrator would set up and use
floppy boot images in a typical network:
Example 1: A remote server BIOS update
Example 2: A remote boot of HP Diagnostic Assistant
Example 3: A remote DOS file transfer
In these examples a remote client functions as the TFTP server (refer to Figure
C-1). As you review these examples, keep in mind that for each scenario, the task
could be accomplished in some other fashion. For example, the TFTP server
could be located elsewhere on the intranet.