user manual

/* Decode the second integer */
result = config [1]; /* Terminal Module */
if (result > 0)
printf (“Module does NOT have a terminal module installed\n”);
printf (“Module has a screw-type terminal module installed\n”);
/* Decode the third integer */
result=config[2]; /* Isolated or non-isolated outputs */
if (num_chan < 9) result = result << 8; /* strip upper 8 bits */
for (i=num_chan;i>0;i – –)
if (result >= 0x8000)
printf (“Channel %d is configured for non-isolated output\n,i);
printf(“Channel %d is configured for isolated output\n”,i);
result = result << 1;
/* Decode the fourth integer */
result=config[3]; /* Output Mode Voltage or Current */
if (num_chan < 9) result = result << 8; /* strip upper 8 bits */
for (i=num_chan;i>0;i – –)
if (result >= 0x8000)
printf (“Channel %d is set to voltage output mode\n”,i);
printf(“Channel %d is set to current output mode\n”,i);
result = result << 1;
Chapter 2 Programming Examples 43