user manual

(there is one version in Visual Basic and one in C):
Figure 19 Simple attribute lookup process in C
while ( GetNextLookup() )
if ( strcmp( GetAttribute( "NL Type" ), "IP" ) == 0 )
SetAttribute( "New Device", "TRUE" );
Figure 20 Simple attribute lookup process in Visual Basic
While GetNextLookup <> 0
If GetAttribute "NL Type" = "IP" Then
SetAttribute "New Device", "TRUE"
End If
The idea behind this program is that every newly discovered IP device on
the network is assigned a value of TRUE for the New Device attribute.
You could use this attribute assignment to group together all the newly
discovered devices on your network with the Map.
This shows the fundamental structure of any attribute lookup program:
Calling the GetNextLookup function causes your program to wait
until Traffix Manager wants your program to lookup another attribute,
or until Traffix Manager exits. The function returns the value 1 if there
is a device whose attributes should be looked up, or 0 if it wants your
program to exit.
When GetNextLookup returns 1, Traffix Manager expects the
program to determine attributes for one device. The GetAttribute
function can be used to discover the value of any attribute for the
device, and the SetAttribute function can be used to set an
attribute assignment.
In this program, for each device, the program checks the value of the
NLType using GetAttribute. If this attribute is set to IP, then it sets