user manual

attribute lookup programs which depend on the Name, NL Type, NL
Address, Network or DNS attributes.
Run the program
AttrLooktest.exe in
<installdir>TraffixServer (this is not on the Windows Start
Menu). The program displays a dialog box which allows you to run an
attribute lookup program, providing command-line parameters if
necessary. Thus you can run your own program, or you can run one of
the standard programs (dblookup or fileattrs) providing your
datafile as an argument. (Note that the user-defined attribute program
configuration file is not used.)
If your program is working properly, then a dialog box appears which
allows you lookup attributes for any device you choose. Set the Name, NL
Type, NL Address, and Network controls on the dialog to appropriate
values for some device and then click Lookup. The list on the right of the
dialog box shows the attributes returned by your lookup program. The
program does not check that the attributes which you enter make sense.
The program only passes the attributes Name, NL Type, NL Address, and
Network to your program. If you choose IP as the NL Type then the
program simulates DNS attributes by breaking up the Name attribute
which you have entered.