Instruction Manual

Copy Now, 52
Create Virtual Library, 94
Edit Virtual Library, 96
Eject Media, 53
Export Cartridge Details, 64
Export Log File, 64
Forced Non Deduplicated Copy, 58
Initiate Tape Transport, 57
Load Blank Media, 43
Load Media for Overwrite, 43
Load Media for Restore, 42
Move Media, 52
Non Deduplicated Copy, 58
Reclaim Space, 89
Stop Tape Export, 57
View Log, 64
technical support, 183
telco racks, 166
text symbols, 182
thresholds for notifications, 126
tools, installation, 12
trace log files
creating a support ticket, 130
saving to individual files, 130
viewing, 130
troubleshooting, 186
automigration, 189
common issues, 186
deduplication, 190
replication, 189
with iLO, 186
TSM, VLS emulation, 94
Turkey RoHS material content declaration, 195
Ukraine RoHS material content declaration, 195
unmanaging a SAN or LAN/WAN library, 37
unpacking, 13
Upload Firmware, 54
USB LAN adapter
components, 163
user interface
Command View VLS, 76
descriptions, 76
requirements, 76
secure shell connection, 79
serial connection, 79
user preferences, setting, 86
View Log, 64
virtual library
creating, 94
editing, 96
virtual tapes
creating, 41
introduction, 10
VLS Critical Diagnostics Services, 81
VLS device emulations
with Netbackup, 94
with TSM, 94
VLS device emulations, restarting, 106, 140
VLS system
powering off, 74
rebooting, 74
shipping carton contents, 15
shipping carton contents, 15
Waiting for first backup, 63
Waiting for policy window, 63
warm failover
defined, 176
rack stability, 183
warranty information
HP Enterprise servers, 195
HP Networking products, 195
HP ProLiant and X86 Servers and Options, 195
HP Storage products, 195
warranty serial number, 87
web sites
HP Subscriber's choice, 183
customer self repair, 184
HP documentation, 181
HP Storage, 181
whole cartridge replication, 35
Window Duration, 41
workload assessment, 126
running, 126
workload assessment simulation, 126
workload assessment template
adding, 127
deleting, 127
editing, 127
world wide port numbers, 107
WWPNs, 107
find, 24