user's Guide

 
          .    
     .
󰤏󰥴󰥼󰥯󰥠 󰤫󰤥󰤙󰥥󰥠
󰤕󰥝󰥡󰥥󰥥󰥠 󰤫󰤥󰤙󰥥󰥠
󰥯󰤤 󰥣󰥠󰤏󰥍󰥠
 
Section ٥٠٨     Rehabilitation Act      
  ICT             
   .        Section ٥٠٨:
Buy Accessible
  U.S. Access Board 
   Section ٥٠٨ .    
       .     󰤛󰥴󰤫󰤥󰤘 Section ٥٠٨.
Section ٢٥٥    Telecommunications Act      
  . FCC         
    .         
  .  FCC 
       
           
              
       .     󰤏󰥤󰥯󰥡󰥍󰥤 󰥧󰥌 󰤫󰥌󰥯󰥘 󰤕󰥩󰤡󰥠
󰥼󰤏󰤽󰤘󰥼 󰤕󰥵󰥠󰤫󰥵󰥕󰥠 Section ٢٥٥.
21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act )CVAA(
 CVAA            
             
      .     FCC    Part ١٤
Part ٧٩  47 CFR.
󰤏󰥭󰥵󰤠󰥯󰤘 FCC 󰥯󰤽󰤩󰤒 CVAA
    
Americans with Disabilities Act) ADA( Telecommunications Act Rehabilitation Act 󰥧󰥵󰥨󰥯󰥘 󰤯󰤨
   Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act     
             
     .   AODA          
     . AODA      
               
٣٥  ١٠  