User's Guide

    )  (
      
       
 " ."
١.      Power ) (   Power Options ) .(
٢.    Choose what the power buttons do )     ) ( 
 
 .(
٣.               :
  Power and sleep buttons and lid settings )   
) (   
 (  When I press the power button ) 
  (   Hibernate ).(
  )  ( Power and sleep buttons and lid settings )
   ) (   
 (  When I press the sleep
button )    (   Hibernate ).(
 )  ( Power and sleep buttons and lid settings ) 
  ) (   
 (  When I close the lid )
 (   Hibernate ).(
  Change Settings that are currently unavailable )  
(   Shutdown settings )  (   
Hibernate ).(
       Start ).(
٤. Save changes ) .(
          ٣.
        .
:               
Windows       .
   
:         .     
 .
                
  .
             .
      Windows Shut down )  Windows.(
:         
     
       .
١.     .
٢.  Start )(   Power )(   Shut down ) .(
٣١  ٦  