User Guide

IP address (Internet
Protocol address)
A 32-bit numeric identifier that uniquely
identifies a computer on the Internet. IP addresses
are usually expressed as four groups of numbers,
each ranging from 0 to 255, separated by periods.
For example,
ISP (Internet service
A company that supplies Internet access to
individuals and companies. Most ISPs offer
additional Internet connectivity services, such as
Web site hosting.
Java applet
A small program that runs in a restricted
environment, sometimes referred to as a sandbox,
that is managed by your browser. Most Java
applets are used to add multimedia effects,
interactivity, or other functionality to a Web page,
but they can also be used for malicious purposes,
such as password theft.
A scripting language that is similar to, but less
capable than, Java. JavaScript code can be
included in Web pages to add interactivity and
other functionality.
A term that refers to your computer, as opposed to
a remote computer.
A record of actions and events that take place on a
computer or handheld device.
A device that modulates (converts to analog) and
demodulates (converts from analog) digital data
for transmission over a telephone line. Also
includes interface devices for digital connections
to the Internet, such as ISDN, cable, and DSL.
A set of computers and associated hardware
connected together in a work group for the
purpose of sharing information and hardware
among users.
NAT (network
address translation)
A method of converting IP addresses used on an
intranet or local area network into Internet IP
addresses. This lets many computers share an
Internet IP address. More importantly, it hides the
IP addresses of network computers from