Instruction Manual

Figure 26 Copper Fibre C hannel cable
Fibre Channel disk d rives
The Fibre Chan
nel drives are hot-pluggable and include the following features:
Dual-ported 2 Gbps FC -AL interface that allows up to 120 drives to be supported per FC-AL pair.
36 GB, 72 GB, 146 GB, and 300GB10K and 15K rpm, and additional drives as certied.
Compact, dir
ect-connect design for maximum storage density and increased reliability and
signal integ rity.
Both online (normal, high-performance) and near-online (lower-performance) drives.
Improved dr
ive cooling essential for high performance.
Bet ter vibration damping for improved performance.
Greater component commonality throughout the Enterprise Virtual Array.
Up to 14 disk drives can be contained in a Fibre Channel drive enclosure. Figure 27 shows the front view
of a Fibre Channel disk drive.
27 Fibre C h annel disk drive
pplied disk drives conform to the enclosure initiated Enclosure Services Interface (ESI).
Maintain ing proper air ow within the enclosure requires installing a drive or a drive blank in each d rive
bay. To avoid overheating, never remove more than one drive or drive blank from an operating enclosure
at the same time. To prevent overheating and ensure proper operation, H P recommends installing a drive
of equal or gr eater capacity, or a drive blank, as soon as possible.
Enterprise Virtual Array 3000/5000 user guide (VCS 3.110)