Instruction Manual

The following is an example of the reboot command:
mpx100 (admin) #> reboot
Are you sure you want to reboot the System (y/n): y
System will now be rebooted...
Reset command
Restores the mpx100/100b configuration parameters to the factory default values. All LUN mappings
are deleted as is all persistent data regarding targets, LUNs, and initiators. The factory default IP
addresses is restored.
Admin session.Authority
factory: Restores the mpx100/100b to its factory default
The following is an example of the reset command:
mpx100 (admin) #> reset factory
Are you sure you want to restore to factory default settings (y/n): y
Please reboot the System for the settings to take affect.
Save command
Saves logs and traces.
Admin session onlyAuthority
logs: Creates a tar file containing the mpx100/100b log data, storing
the file in the mpx100/100b /var/ftp directory. The operator must
ftp the logs tar file from the mpx100/100b.
traces: Creates a tar file containing the mpx100s/100b's dump
data, storing the tar file in the mpx100/100b /var/ftp directory.
The operator must ftp the traces tar file from the mpx100/100b. If the
mpx100/100b does not have any dump data, the operator is notified
during command execution. An event log entry is generated whenever
dump data is generated.
capture: Creates a file with all the vital data from the mpx100/100b,
including firmware versions and log files.
EVA iSCSI Connectivity User Guide 151