User Manual

Storage System Hardware Components
102 Enterprise Virtual Array 3000 User Guide
Note: An error always generates a condition report. Not all condition reports are
generated by errors.
The condition types, condition reports, and the interaction between conditions are
defined in the following sections. See “EMU Generated Condition Reports” on
page 161 for definitions of individual condition reports.
Error Condition Types
Each error condition is assigned to a category based on its impact on the disk
enclosure operation. The error condition types include the following:
Unrecoverable condition
Critical condition
Noncritical condition
Information condition
This is the most severe condition. The condition occurs when one or more
enclosure elements have failed and have disabled some enclosure functions. The
enclosure may be incapable of correcting, or bypassing the failure, and requires
repairs to correct the error.
Note: To maintain data integrity, corrective action should be implemented
for an UNRECOVERABLE condition.
Reporting Characteristics
An UNREVCOVERABLE condition has precedence over all other condition.
The audible alarm is on continuously, as shown in Table 20 on page 96.
CRITICAL Condition
A CRITICAL condition is less severe than an UNRECOVERABLE condition.
This condition occurs when one or more elements inside the enclosure have failed
or are operating outside of their specifications. The failure of the element makes
continued normal operation of at least some elements in the enclosure impossible.
Other elements within the enclosure may be able to continue normal operations.