Owner's manual

Example: To input the value 123.45 in cell
X1 (Move the cursor to cell X1)
The value you input appears in the
formula area (123.45).
Registering a value causes the cursor to move down one cell.
STAT Editor Screen Input Precautions
The number of lines in STAT editor screen (the number of
sample data values you can input) depends on the type of
statistical data you selected and on the Statistical Display
setting of the calculator’s setup screen.
The following types of input are not allowed on the STAT
editor screen:
(M-) operations
Assignment to variables (STO)
Precautions Concerning Sample Data Storage
Sample data you input is deleted automatically whenever you
change to another mode from the STAT Mode or change the
Statistical Display setting (which causes the FREQ column to
be shown or hidden) on the calculator’s setup screen.
Editing Sample Data
Replacing the Data in a Cell
(1) On the STAT editor screen, move the cursor to the cell you
want to edit.
(2) Input the new data value or expression, and then press
Important: Note that you must totally replace the existing data
of the cell with new input. You cannot edit parts of the existing
Statistical Display
(No FREQ column)
(FREQ column)
Statistic Type
Single-variable 80 lines 40 lines
Paired-variable 40 lines 26 lines