- Hewlett-Packard Switch User Manual

Troubleshooting 44
In this section
Troubleshooting sequence ....................................................................................................................... 44
Diagnosing the problem.......................................................................................................................... 46
Troubleshooting sequence
If you cannot solve the customer's problem using this troubleshooting sequence or any of the following
tools, escalate to the next level of support.
IMPORTANT: Do not authorize the return of a console switch until this section has been exhausted. Prior to
requesting an RMA, perform all of the steps in this section.
Is the console switch operational?
1. Ask the customer to connect the KVM cables to the appropriate connectors ("Components" on page
71) on the rear panel of the console switch.
2. Power on the console switch.
Does the activity indicator light ("Components" on page 71) on the rear panel of the console switch
light up?
If the activity indicator light is on, the console switch is operational.
If the activity indicator light is not on, ask the customer to be sure the power source is valid, the
power button is on, and the cables are connected properly.
3. After the activity indicator light is on, which means the console switch is operational, ask the
customer to press the Prnt Scrn key on the keyboard attached to the monitor that is connected to
the console switch (local port). The Main menu appears and if no servers are connected, the screen
is blank.
Has the customer verified the firmware version?
IMPORTANT: While updating the firmware, do not power off the console switch or attempt any
1. Ask the customer to be sure that they have the latest console switch firmware version ("Displaying the
console switch firmware version" on page 57) and interface adapter firmware version ("Displaying
the interface adapter firmware version" on page 57).
2. Ask the customer to update the console switch firmware ("Updating the console switch firmware" on
page 59), interface adapter firmware ("Updating the interface adapter firmware" on page 60), and
cascaded console switch firmware ("Updating the cascaded console switch firmware" on page 59)
if they do not have the latest versions installed.