Software Suite for Microsoft Exchange User Manual

Description of Events
3PAR Recovery Manager 4.1.0 For Microsoft Exchange 2010 User’s Guide
5190 RME5190: ERROR: Failed to
confirm data integrity of the
Virtual Copy <Timestamp>.
Try performing recovery
operations and integrity
check to fix.
The data integrity of the
specified Virtual Copy could
not be confirmed.
Perform an integrity check
on the virtual copy using the
Microsoft Exchange utility
eseutils.exe. Please
consult the Microsoft
Exchange documentation for
details on how to use this
5191 RME5191: ERROR: Virtual
Volume <Virtual Volume
Name> is currently exposed to
The specified Virtual Volume
is currently exposed to a host.
Make sure the Virtual Copy is
not exposed to other hosts
from the InServ.
5194 RME5194: ERROR: Invalid
backup component document
path to import Virtual Copies.
The backup document
generated during the Virtual
Copy creation is corrupted.
5195 RME5195: ERROR: Failed to
perform remote copy
command for group <Remote
Copy Group Name>.
The remote copy command
for the specified group could
not be performed.
Check the Remote Copy
connection and InServ setup.
Consult the 3PAR InForm OS
CLI Administrators Manual or
the 3PAR InForm OS
Management Console Online
Help for details on setting up
and checking remote copy
Table C-1. Recovery Manager for Microsoft Exchange Event Messages (continued)
Event ID Error Message Description/Action