Software Suite for Microsoft Exchange User Manual

Recovery Manager Commands
3PAR Recovery Manager 4.1.0 For Microsoft Exchange 2010 User’s Guide
RMExch backup
RMExch backup -mdb <mailbox_DB_name>
-s <ExchangeServer>
[-defer|-nc|-t <Timestamp>] [-mpl] -vs <verification_server/
backup_server> -p <policyName> -d <fullScheduleName> -m <masterServer>
[-mp <“mountpoint”>] [-remove]
The RMExch backup command backs up a virtual copy to media, or creates a virtual copy and
backs up to media (also known as a quick backup). For the latter case, no timestamp is needed.
The following options are supported:
-mdb <mailbox_DB_name> - The name of the mailbox database to back up.
-vs <verification_server/backup_server> - The server on which to perform
verifiation and/or backup. This server requires a Recovery Manager for Exchange
bakcup server installed and have access to the backup (i.e. Netbackup).
–t <Timestamp> - This is optional. The timestamp of the virtual copy to backup. Use if
the virtual copy has already been created. Do not use to create a virtual copy and then
perform a backup.
-s <ExchangeServer> - The name of the exchange server.
–p <policyName> - Name of the NBU policy.
–d <fullScheduleName> - Name of the schedule for a full backup.
–m <masterServer> - Name of the NBU master server.
-remove - Optional. Used with quick backups. Specify this option to remove the virtual
copy after a quick backup. By default the virtual copy will be retained. This cannot be
used with the
-t option.
-nc - Optional. Skips the integrity check (not recommended). This cannot be used with
-t option.