Software Suite for Microsoft Exchange Manual

The backup server on each site should only be configured with the array connected to nodes on
that site. For Example, using provcfg configuration tool ensure that you add only site A array
configuration on the Site A backup server. Similarly on site B, configure only the site B array.
NOTE: Ensure that only one array is configured on each backup servers.
The Create virtual copy operation should use “Remote Copy” option. This will ensure that
corresponding Virtual Copy is created on other site. The remote site backup server information
would be required to be specified as input for remote virtual copy operation. For more information
on Recovery Manager remote copy, refer “Remote Copy for Recovery Manager” (page 130). The
corresponding virtual copy created on the remote site can be used for recovery operations on the
remote site.
Using “Virtual Copy” operation without remote copy will only create a virtual copy on the local
site that can only be managed by local site backup server. In case of a site disaster, the production
volume cannot be recovered on the remote site, as there would not be any Virtual Copy on the
remote site corresponding the local Virtual Copies.
Each backup server can only manage the Exchange servers and its storage group/databases that
are currently owned by the nodes on their respective sites.
NOTE: Recovery Manager cross-site management is not supported.
For Example, in Figure 36 (page 128), the site A backup server can perform all operations on the
nodes on site A. For Example, create remote virtual copy on storage group or databases which
are currently owned by the nodes on site A, that is node 1 and node 2. Site A backup server will
not be able to perform any operation on site B nodes such as node 3 and node 4 as they are
connected to a different array on site B. Similarly the same rules apply to site B backup server.
WARNING! Any attempt to perform cross-site operation will result in a failure.
Exchange server and its storage group or databases owned by one site can failover to other site,
in such situation, the other site should be used for subsequent Virtual Copy operations.
Recovery operation can only be performed on a site using the Virtual Copy created on that site.
If there is a failover of the exchange server after Virtual Copy creation, to use the Virtual Copy for
recovery the exchange server must fail back or move back to the earlier node where Virtual Copy
was created.
NOTE: Volume restore is not supported.
Cluster Virtual Network Name (VNN) should be used for registering exchange server to Recovery
Manager. Cluster VNN should be used when a mount needs to be done to an owning node. The
command would automatically get directed to the owning node. However, if the current owning
node has crossed over to the other site (remote site) due to failover or planned movement, then the
mount operation will fail. In such situation, the other backup server should be used for the mount
Recovery Manager supports both Synchronous and Asynchronous remote copy configurations. In
Synchronous remote copy, Recovery Manager creates virtual copy on both the sites (local site and
remote site). Therefore, virtual copy management such as mount, recovery, backup and so on can
be performed on both the sites. In an Asynchronous remote copy, Recovery Manager creates
Virtual Copy only on the remote site. Therefore the virtual copy management operations such as
mount, recovery, backup and so on would have to be performed at the remote site. To perform
these operations, the application server needs to be owned by one of the cluster nodes on the
remote site.