Software Suite for Microsoft Exchange Manual

HpRmCli Exch portconfig
Hprmcli Exch portconfig [-s WindowsHost] [-n portnumber]
The HpRmCli Exch portconfig command will display or update the current port configuration
for the HP 3PAR Recovery Manager for Exchange service and HP 3PAR Recovery Manager for
Exchange CLI for the specified windows server. When only the -s argument is supplied, this
command will list the current port number used by Recovery Manager for the Windows server.
When-n is supplied, the port will be updated to the value provided by -n argument. The default
port used by HP 3PAR Recovery Manager for Exchange is 9933. This should be run against all
of the production servers and backup servers. If you update the port setting on a Windows server,
you will need to restart the HP 3PAR Recovery Manager for Exchange Agent Service before
connecting through that port.
The following options are supported:
-s <WindowsHost> - Optional: Specifies a RM Windows Host to list or configure the port
settings. Defaults to "localhost" if unspecified.
-n <number> Optional: If specified then the command will update the port used. If not
specified, then the command will show the current configuration. Accepted port range is from
1024-65535. (Default port: 9933)
The following command will display the current port configuration for server Alpha.
HpRmCli Exch portconfig -s Alpha
The following command will update the port configuration for server Alpha to 9950.
HpRmCli Exch portconfig -s Alpha -n 9950
NOTE: If a port number specified is already being used by another application, then this command
reports error.
82 Using the Recovery Manager CLI