Software Suite for Microsoft Hyper-V Owner manual

The Virtual Copies tab provides a list of all Virtual Copies created from Virtual Machines on
the Hyper-V server.
Figure 19 Hyper-V Server Virtual Copies Tab
Table 6 Hyper-V Server Virtual Copy Control Bar
Creates a Virtual Copy for all the Virtual Machines on
the Hyper-V Server
Sets the policy for all the Virtual Machines on the
Hyper-V Server
Table 7 Hyper-V Server Virtual Copy Control Bar
Mounts a virtual copy on the Virtual MachineMount
Unmounts a virtual copy from the Virtual MachineUnmount
Analyzes the selected virtual copy for its existenceAnalyze
Restores the selected virtual copyRestore
Removes the selected virtual copy from the listRemove
Table 8 Hyper-V Server Virtual Copies Tab
Name of Virtual CopyName
Date and time of Virtual Copy CreationCreated Date/Time
28 Using the Web Client Interface