Software Suite for Oracle Owner's manual

<tbs_name> is the tablespace name of the Recovery Catalog.
<rman_user> is the user name to be granted access permission to the Recovery Catalog.
<rman_password> is the password for the <rman_user>.
4. Create the RMAN Recovery Catalog tables as follows:
$ rman catalog <rman_user>/<rman_password>@<catdb>
RMAN> create catalog tablespace <cat_tbs>;
5. Configure TNS services for the Recovery Catalog database by adding an entry in the
$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file on the database server and backup
server as follows:
<catdb> =
(description =
(address = (protocol = TCP) (host = <cat_host>) (port = 1521))
(connect_data = (server = dedicated) (service_name = <catdb>))
where <cat_host> is the host name of the host where the catalog is created.
6. Configure the Oracle listener for the Recovery Catalog database by adding an entry in the
$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora file on the host where the Recover
Catalog is created as follows:
(GLOBAL_DBNAME = <catdb>)
(ORACLE_HOME = <oracle_home>)
(SID_NAME = <catdb>)
7. Log in as the Oracle owner user and register the database on the database server.
NOTE: If Recovery Manager for Oracle is used to run against an Oracle standby database,
you must register the primary database on the primary database server instead of the standby
$ rman target / catalog <rman_user>/<rman_password>@<catdb>
RMAN> register database;
Configure RMAN Recovery Catalog
Recovery Manager for Oracle requires an Oracle RMAN recovery catalog database when using
RMAN backup. To create RMAN Recovery catalog, see “Creating an RMAN Recovery Catalog
(page 54)
Setting Up NetBackup Policies for Oracle RMAN Backup 55