Software Suite for Oracle Owner's manual

DBFILE_SCHED_FULL - The Symantec NetBackup schedule name for database backup. This
parameter is applicable only to the Symantec NetBackup backup method.
ARCH_SCHED_FULL - The Symantec NetBackup schedule name for archive log backup (full).
This parameter is applicable only to the Symantec NetBackup backup method.
ARCH_SCHED_INCR - The Symantec NetBackup schedule name for archive log backup
(incremental). This parameter is applicable only to the Sysmantec NetBackup backup method.
RMAN_CONN_STR - The RMAN connection string for connecting to the Oracle Recovery Catalog
from the database server and the backup server.
RMAN_CHANNEL_TYPE - This parameter is now deprecated
RMAN_NO_CHANNEL - The number of RMAN channels to be allocated during backup and
RMAN_BACKUP_DEST - The backup destination to store RMAN backup image. This option is
only required if the specified RMAN channel type is DISK.
RMVC_AFTER_BACKUP - Specifies whether the Virtual Copy should be removed after a
successful backup.
You must run this command as a super user or Oracle owner user from the backup server. To allow
the Oracle Database Administrator (Oracle Owner) to run this command, an identical Oracle
Database Administrator user must exist on the backup server. In addition, permission on the Recovery
Manager for Oracle Installation and Repository directories must be changed appropriately.
The following options are supported:
-s <oracle_sid>
The Oracle SID of the database instance. For Real Application Cluster (RAC) database, an Oracle
SID of any RAC instance can be specified.
-p <db_server>
The host name of the database server where the specified Oracle database instance is running.
The host name value must match the output of the hostname command.
Display contents of the database configuration file.
Recovery Manager Commands 75