Software Manual

4 TpdHostAgent Command
The TpdHostAgent is a simple command line interface for maintaining and managing the various
options to be used in conjunction with the Host Explorer daemon on Microsoft Windows, Linux,
HP UX, and Solaris operating systems.
This command must be run as a Superuser or an Administrator from the host where it is installed.
TpdHostAgent Command
Command line utility for management of a HP 3PAR Host Explorer.
TpdHostAgent [options]
Starts the Host Explorer process.
Stops the Host Explorer process.
Stops, then restarts the Host Explorer process.
Lists the status of a Host Explorer process, that is whether the daemon or service is
Lists the contents of all host configuration information (Host Explorer tokens) that
has been gathered by the Host Explorer.
Immediately sends the latest Host Explorer token information to the HP 3PAR
StoreServ Storage system.
-set <RefreshInterval>|<PushInterval>
Changes the default time intervals (RefreshInterval = 60 seconds,
PushInterval = 86,400 seconds) used by the daemon to send token information
to the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system.
RefreshInterval - The interval that the Host Explorer process collects the data
and compares it to the last known state for any changes. If there are changes,
the Host Explorer transfers the new set of data to the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage
PushInterval - The interval that the Host Explorer process transfers data to HP
3PAR StoreServ Storage system.
-settrace <1-5>
TpdHostAgent Command 25