User Manual

Table 45 CPG Space Usage Types (continued)
DescriptionUsage Type
Amount of admin free space available for CPG allocation.Admin Free Space GiB
Amount of raw snap space available for CPG allocation.Snap Free Space GiB
Amount of user free space available for CPG allocation.User Free Space GiB
Total amount of free space available for CPG allocation.Total Free Space GiB
Amount of remaining Admin space available for currently allocated CPGs.Admin Space GiB
Amount of remaining Snap space available for currently allocated CPGs.Snap Space GiB
Amount of remaining User space available for currently allocated CPGs.User Space GiB
Total amount of remaining space available for currently allocated CPGs.Total Space GiB
Amount of space available for CPG growth.Growth Space GiB
LD Space Reports
Table 46 (page 108) describes the metrics that are shown for LD (Logical Disk) Space Reports.
Table 46 LD Space Report Metrics
The raw physical disk space used by the LDs.Raw Space
The LD space that is mapped to VVs.Used Space
The LD space that is not mapped to VVs. Note that logging and preserved data LDs cannot
be mapped to VVs and will show up as free space.
Free Space
The total LD space (Used Space + Free Space). This metric is not shown in stacked charts.Total Space
VV Space Reports
Table 47 (page 108) describes the metrics that are shown for VV (Virtual Volume) Space Reports
Table 47 VV Space Report Metrics
Raw physical disk space reserved for User (base volume) Space for the selected VVs. This is
zero for Virtual Copy (snapshot) VVs.
User Raw Rsvd Space
Raw physical disk space reserved for Snap (snapshot copy) Space for the selected VVs. This
is zero for Virtual Copy (snapshot) VVs.
Snap Raw Rsvd Space
Raw physical disk space reserved for Admin (snapshot metadata) Space for the selected VVs.
This is zero for Virtual Copy (snapshot) VVs.
Admin Raw Rsvd Space
Total (user + snap + admin) Raw physical disk space reserved for the selected VV. This is
zero for Virtual Copy (snapshot) VVs.
Total Raw Rsvd Space
User space that is used by the selected VVs. For fully provisioned VVs, all the User Rsvd Space
is considered used. For thin provisioned VVs, only some part of the User Rsvd Space may be
used (the rest is User Free Space). This is zero for Virtual Copy (snapshot) VVs.
User Used Space
User Rsvd Space that is not actually used. This is zero for Virtual Copy (snapshot) VVs.User Free Space
Space that is reserved for User (base volume) Space for the selected VVs. This is zero for
Virtual Copy (snapshot) VVs.
User Rsvd Space
Snap space that is used by the selected VVs. This is zero for Virtual Copy (snapshot) VVs.Snap Used Space
Snap Rsvd Space that is not actually used. This is zero for Virtual Copy (snapshot) VVs.Snap Free Space
108 Interpreting Report Metrics