Operating System Software Owner manual

Remote Copy System Information
Status: Started, Normal
Target Information
Name ID Type Status Options Policy
System2 9 IP ready mirror_config
Link Information
Target Node Address Status Options
System2 0 Up
System2 1 Up
receive 0 Up
receive 1 Up
Group Information
Name Target Status Role Mode Options
sync_group_1 System2 Started Primary Sync
LocalVV ID RemoteVV ID SyncStatus LastSyncTime
localvv.0 413 remotevv.0 375 Syncing (10%) NA
localvv.1 414 remotevv.1 376 Syncing (15%) NA
Name Target Status Role Mode Options
sync_group_2.r11 System2 Started Secondary Sync
LocalVV ID RemoteVV ID SyncStatus LastSyncTime
remotevv.0 423 localvv.0 385 Syncing NA
remotevv.1 424 localvv.1 386 Syncing NA
Backup System (System2)
When all systems are up, the showrcopy command output on the backup system (for example,
System2) looks like the output for this example 1-to-1 configuration:
# showrcopy
Remote Copy System Information
Status: Started, Normal
Target Information
Name ID Type Status Options Policy
System1 2 IP ready mirror_config
Link Information
Target Node Address Status Options
System1 0 Up
System1 1 Up
receive 0 Up
receive 1 Up
Group Information
Name Target Status Role Mode Options
sync_group_1.r96 System1 Started Secondary Sync
LocalVV ID RemoteVV ID SyncStatus LastSyncTime
remotevv.0 375 localvv.0 413 Syncing NA
remotevv.1 376 localvv.1 414 Syncing NA
Name Target Status Role Mode Options
sync_group_2 System1 Started Primary Sync
LocalVV ID RemoteVV ID SyncStatus LastSyncTime
System Information during Normal Operation 105