Operating System Software Owner manual

CAUTION: The volume groups must be started before you continue to the next step and issue
the setrcopygroup restore command.
5. Restore the natural direction of data flow to the Remote Copy system. On the failover system
(SystemB), enter:
# setrcopygroup restore -f -t <target_name>
<target_name> - Name of the target (recovered) system (SystemA)
The setrcopygroup restore command:
Starts tasks for each group that was recovered
Starts a final synchronization from the synchronous backup system (SystemB) to the
asynchronous periodic backup system (SystemC) to ensure that the asynchronous periodic
backup system has the most recent data
Stops the volume groups
Switches the secondary volume groups on the primary system (SystemA) to primary volume
Switches the primary volume groups on the synchronous backup system (SystemB) to
secondary volume groups
Returns the recovered system (SystemA) to the role of primary system
Starts Remote Copy on the primary system (SystemA)
For example, the list of tasks on the synchronous backup system (SystemB) looks like:
# setrcopygroup restore -f -t SystemA
restore started with tasks: 5759
root@xnodee594:~/bin# waittask -v 5759
Id Type Name Status Phase Step -------StartTime------- -FinishTime-
5759 remote_copy_restore multi.1.r96 active 2/4 1/2 2009-06-29 12:35:40 PDT -
Detailed status:
2009-06-29 12:35:40 PDT Created task.
2009-06-29 12:35:40 PDT Begin Restore operation on group multi.1.r96 started.
2009-06-29 12:35:44 PDT Syncing Synchronization started for group multi.1.r96 to target
2009-06-29 12:35:44 PDT Waiting Waiting for synchronization of group multi.1.r96 to target
SystemC to complete.
2009-06-29 12:36:38 PDT Stopped Stopped remote copy of group multi.1.r96.
2009-06-29 12:36:40 PDT Switched Target SystemA of group multi.1.r96 was switched from
secondary to primary.
2009-06-29 12:36:40 PDT Switched Group multi.1.r96 was switched from primary to secondary.
2009-06-29 12:36:40 PDT Waiting Waiting for volumes in group multi.1.r96 to complete
snapshot promotions.
2009-06-29 12:36:41 PDT Starting Starting group multi.1.r96 to target SystemA.
2009-06-29 12:36:51 PDT Started Remote copy was started for group multi.1.r96 and target
2009-06-29 12:36:51 PDT Completed Group multi.1.r96 restore completed.
148 Disaster Recovery for Synchronous Long Distance