Operating System Software Owner manual

Rules for Creating Remote Copy Virtual Volumes
The primary and secondary virtual volumes to be linked (for example, vv1 and vv1_remote)
must be the same size.
Volumes can have different RAID levels and availability levels (Cage, Magazine, and so on).
Volumes must be one of the following:
Fully provisioned virtual volumes
You can save read/write (RW) snapshots to Remote Copy volume groups.
For more information, see “Rules for Adding Snapshots to Volume Groups” (page 191).
If you configure a TPVV as a primary virtual volume in a Remote Copy volume group, the
secondary volume should either:
Have no data written to it before you add it to the Remote Copy volume group, or
Match the primary volume exactly so the primary and secondary volumes match during
initial synchronization
Additional Information: “Linking Virtual Volumes in Volume Groups” (page 192)
Rules for Creating Remote Copy Virtual Volumes 189