Operating System Software Owner manual

2. Define a target on the backup system (for example, System2).
# creatercopytarget <target_name> IP <N:S:P>:<link_IP_addr>
<target_name> - Name of the target system (for example, System1)
IP - Defines link as an IP link
<N:S:P> - Location on the current system (System2) that contains the IP connections to
the target system, expressed as node:slot:port
<link_IP_addr> - Link IP address for the corresponding port on the target system (for
example, or
# creatercopytarget <target_name> FC <node_WWN> <N:S:P:WWN> <N:S:P:WWN>
<target_name> - Name of the target system (for example, System1)
FC - Defines link as an FC link
<node_WWN> - WWN of the node on the target system
<N:S:P:WWN> - Location on the current system (System2) of the FC adaptor port,
expressed as node:slot:port, and the WWN of the corresponding node on the target
Checking the Links between Systems
1. To check the links between the primary and backup systems, issue the showrcopy command
on the backup system (for example, System2):
# showrcopy
It might take several minutes for the links to come up between the two storage systems.
NOTE: For complete details on the showrcopy command, including valid synchronization,
link, and group states, see “The Remote Copy Commands” (page 224).
2. Verify that:
The Target Information area shows a Status of ready.
The Link Information area shows a Status of Up for all the links.
For example, showrcopy output on System2 looks like:
Remote Copy System Information
Status: Started, Normal
Target Information
Name ID Type Status Options Policy
System1 112 IP ready mirror_config
Link Information
Checking the Links between Systems 49