Operating System Software User Manual

Remote Copy and Virtual Domains
HP 3PAR Remote Copy checks for the presence of HP 3PAR Virtual Domains Software (domains)
on the backup system to verify that you have mirrored the virtual volume to the same backup system
domain name as the primary-system domain name.
If a virtual domain is required, define it when you create a remote-copy group by using the
creatercopygroup command:
# creatercopygroup -domain domain1 group_name target:periodic
For remote copy to operate, you must name the domain correctly.
When volumes are admitted to a remote-copy group for which a virtual domain has been defined,
the volumes on both sides must share the same domain name.
If you are using volume autocreation, define the local user common provisioning group (CPG) and
the target user CPG, as well as the local snapshot CPG and target snapshot CPG, when you create
the group. All the CPGs defined must share the same domain name.
# creatercopygroup -domain domain1 -usr_cpg Localcpg target:Targetcpg -snp_cpg Localsnp
target:Targetsnp groupname target:periodic
NOTE: To use HP 3PAR Virtual Domains Software, you must have an HP 3PAR Virtual Domains
Software license.
Additional Information:
For additional information about domains and the HP 3PAR Virtual Domains Software license,
see the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage Concepts Guide.
For instructions on setting up domains, see the HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Administrator’s
Manual or the HP 3PAR Management Console Help.
Requirements 15