Operating System Software User Manual

Link Information
Target Node Address Status Options
System2 0 Up
System2 1 Up
receive 0 Up
receive 1 Up
Group Information
Name Target Status Role Mode Options
sync_group_1 System2 Started Secondary-Rev Sync
LocalVV ID RemoteVV ID SyncStatus LastSyncTime
localvv.0 413 remotevv.0 375 Syncing Thu Dec 14 17:58:25 PST 2006
localvv.1 414 remotevv.1 376 Syncing Thu Dec 14 17:58:25 PST 2006
Name Target Status Role Mode Options
sync_group_2.r11 System2 Stopped Secondary Sync
LocalVV ID RemoteVV ID SyncStatus LastSyncTime
remotevv.0 423 localvv.0 385 Stopped Thu Dec 14 17:51:49 PST 2006
remotevv.1 424 localvv.1 386 Stopped Thu Dec 14 17:51:44 PST 2006
4. On the recovered system (System1), issue the following command to verify that the volume
groups are started:
# showrcopy groups <group_name>
where <group_name> represents the volume group that should be started (sync_group_1).
The volume groups are not
1. On the recovered system, issue either of the following commands:
startrcopygroup <group_name>
startrcopygroup -pat <pattern>
(For example: startrcopygroup -pat sync*)
2. Wait for the synchronizations to complete before continuing.
CAUTION: The volume groups must be started before you continue to the next step and issue
the setrcopygroup restore command.
Groups are started automatically, and start the synchronization. If you issue the
setrcopygroup restore command while the groups are stopped, it merely starts them.
If you issue the restore command without the recover command first, an error occurs.
5. Restore the natural direction of data flow to the remote-copy pair. On the failover system
(System2), issue the following command:
# setrcopygroup restore -t <target_name>
where <target_name> represents the name of the target (recovered) system (System1).
178 Disaster Recovery for 1-to-1 Configurations