Operating System Software User Manual

System2 1 Up
System3 0 Up
System3 1 Up
receive 0 Up
receive 1 Up
Group Information
Name Target Status Role Mode Options
periodic_group_1 System2 Started Secondary-Rev Periodic Last-Sync Thu Dec 14 18:19:17 PST
2006 , over_per_alert
LocalVV ID RemoteVV ID SyncStatus LastSyncTime
localvv.0 413 remotevv.0 21 Syncing Thu Dec 14 18:40:14 PST 2006
localvv.1 414 remotevv.1 22 Syncing Thu Dec 14 18:39:03 PST 2006
Name Target Status Role Mode Options
periodic_group_2 System3 Started Primary Periodic over_per_alert
LocalVV ID RemoteVV ID SyncStatus LastSyncTime
localvv.2 23 remotevv.0 385 Syncing NA
localvv.3 24 remotevv.1 386 Syncing NA
I/O to the volumes on the
failover system did not stop
before the synchronization.
1. Stop I/O.
2. Manually synchronize the remote-copy pair. On the failover system (System1),
enter either of the following commands:
syncrcopy <group_name>
where <group_name> represents the reversed volume group
syncrcopy -pat <pattern>
where -pat <pattern> represents the pattern of reversed volume group
names (periodic*)
4. To verify that the volume groups are started, issue the following command on the recovered
system (System1):
# showrcopy groups <group_name>
where <group_name> represents the volume group that should be started
The volume groups are not
1. On the recovered system, issue either of the following commands:
startrcopygroup <group_name>
startrcopygroup -pat <pattern>
where -pat <pattern> represents the pattern of volume group names
2. Wait for the synchronizations to complete before continuing.
CAUTION: The volume groups must be started before you continue to the next step and issue
the setrcopygroup restore command.
198 Disaster Recovery for M-to-N Configurations