Service Processors Manual

5. Click Select. The Add Suppress Notification Record screen is displayed.
a. Select the desired notification type:
b. Enter the symptom desired for suppression.
NOTE: The symptom for suppression notification is based on pattern matching, so a
user should enter only that part of a symptom that will produce the desired match. Regular
expressions are permitted.
NOTE: To suppress all notifications for a particular system or account that is part of a
larger group, enter .* (a period followed by an asterisk) in the Suppression Symptom
c. Select the desired duration for this notification record.
NOTE: The default duration is from the current date to ten years from the current date.
d. Click Submit. You are returned to the notification list, which displays the suppression
record you just created.
User Profiles
The following sections describe how to add and edit a user profile, edit a prime shift, and add a
shift exception.
Adding a User Profile
1. In the left navigation pane, click Notify.
2. Click User Profiles.
3. Click Add User . The User Profile Form is displayed.
4. Update the desired fields. The "Email 1", "Email 2", and "Email 3" fields correspond to
notification means and are used to define how and where a user wants to be notified.
Notifications are sent to "email-type" addresses, such as
5. Update the basic prime shift details.
NOTE: These prime shift details establish a the basic prime shift records for this user. After
you add the user, you can edit this prime shift in detail by editing the user profiles and clicking
the View / Edit Prim Shift Details link.
6. Click Add Record.
Editing a User Profile
1. In the left navigation pane, click Notify.
2. Click User Profiles.
3. Click Edit for the desired user. The User Profile Form is displayed.
4. Update the desired fields. The "Email 1", "Email 2", and "Email 3" fields correspond to
notification means and are used to define how and where a user wants to be notified.
Notifications are sent to "email-type" addresses, such as
5. If a user wants to view or update his or her prime shift details, click the View / Edit Prim Shift
Details link to display the prime shift and prime shift exceptions for that user.
6. Click Update Record.
User Profiles 17