User's Manual

vcdba_rollback Usage
Recovery Manager for Oracle User’s Guide
8.1 vcdba_rollback Usage
Refer to vcdba_rollback on page 6.35 for the syntax and available options for the
vcdba_rollback command.
The procedure to rollback the data volumes depends on the data type of the datafile. If the
datafiles are composed from Veritas VxVM then special VxVM procedures apply.
8.2 Database Volumes Not Under Veritas VxVM Control
If none of the disk volumes used by a database are under Veritas VxVM control, perform the
following procedures.
8.2.1 Rollback with Read-Only Virtual Copies
1 On the primary host, shutdown the database if it is up and running. If ASM is being used,
unmount all involved ASM disk groups.
2 On the primary host, unmount all file systems where the database volumes are mounted.
3 On the InServ Storage Server, remove the VLUNs for the data volumes by issuing the
removevlun <vvname> <lun> <host> command.
4 Keep the list of the VLUNs, which are removed by the command above. The VLUNs are used
to re-export the LUNs with the same disk IDs after rollback operation is completed.
5 From the backup host, execute the
vcdba_rollback -s <oracle_sid> -p
<primary_host> -t <timestamp> -v
command to roll back the read-only copy:
6 On the InServ Storage Server, export all the data volumes to the primary host with the same
VLUNs saved in step 4 by issuing the createvlun <vvname> <lun> <host> CLI
removevlun Oracle_data1 101 pilot
vcdba_rollback -s TEST920 -p pilot -t 042903142921 -v