User's Manual

Setting Up SSH Connections for Recovery Manager
Recovery Manager for Oracle User’s Guide
In the example above:
<adm_user> is the user name of the InServ Storage Server’s administrator.
<ss_name> is the system name of the InServ Storage Server attached to the primary
<adm_password> is the administrator's password.
<password> is the password (for the InForm Storage Server) for the CLI user being
<username> is the user being created.
4 Copy the public key of the primary host to the InServ Storage Server.
In the example above:
<username> is the user being created.
<ss_name> is the system name of the InServ Storage Server attached to the primary
<password> is the password for the CLI user being created.
<public_key> is the SSH public key of the primary host.
4.3.12 Verifying Connections from the Primary Host to the InServ Storage
From the primary host, verify the connection from the primary host to the InServ Storage
Server as follows:
<primary_host># ssh <username>@<ss_name>
<username>'s password: <password>
cli% setsshkey
Please enter the SSH puplic key below. When finished, press enter twice. The
key is usually long. It's better to copy it from inside and editor and paste
it here. (Please make sure there are no extra blanks.)
<pass the public key here and press Enter twice>
SSH public key successfully set!