User's Manual

Recovery Manager Configuration Files
Recovery Manager for Oracle User’s Guide
Enter maximum number of virtual copies allowed [h=help,q=quit]?
Enter the maximum number of virtual copies that can be created for the specified
database. Once the maximum number of virtual copies for the database is reached,
Recovery Manager removes the oldest virtual copy before creating a new one.
The default maximum number is 500 read-only virtual copies for each volume.
Select third-party backup tool [0=None,1=Veritas NBU,2=Oracle RMAN,h,q]?
Recovery Manager supports NBU (user-managed) backup and Oracle RMAN backup.
0 if you do not want to perform backup.
If you enter
0, stop here. No further information is required. If you enter either 1 or 2,
you will be prompted for the following information:
Do you want to remove virtual copy after backup complete? [y,n,q]?
n if you do not want to remove the virtual copy after a backup is completed
successfully. Otherwise, enter y.
Enter Oracle RMAN connection string [user/password@catdb,h,q]?
You will only be prompted with this question if you previously selected Oracle
the third-party backup tool.
Enter the Recovery Catalog connection string in
user/passwd@catdb format, where
catdb is the service name of the Recovery Catalog, and user/passwd is the user name
and password to be used to connect to the Recovery Catalog.
Enter Oracle RMAN channel type [d=DISK,s=SBT_TAPE,h,q]?
You will only be prompted with this question if you previously selected
Oracle RMAN
as the third-party backup tool.
d if you want to backup to local disk, or s if you want to backup to tape through
Veritas NetBackup Media server.
Enter number of channels to be allocated [h=help,q=quit]?
You will only be prompted with this question if you previously selected
Oracle RMAN
as the third-party backup tool.
Enter the number of RMAN channels to be allocated for backup.
Enter NetBackup master server name [h=help,q=quit]?